Monday, March 10

Asian Travels- vignettes

Over twenty-three days, my wife and I travelled to Hong Kong, India, Bhutan, and Bangkok. Below are a few observations married with some pictures and videos of life from these very different locales. While saying, as Canadian travellers "we are enormously fortunate," is trite, our guided tour left us gasping at the appalling poverty, admiring the exquisite craftsmanship, and marvelling at the ubiquity of our fossil fuel culture. (more…)
Transitioning to the Clean Energy Economy
Economic Data, Opinion/Research

Transitioning to the Clean Energy Economy

Originally posted on 31 October 2017 Several headlines stood out over the past week, which, provide further context to the governing dilemma facing the New Democratic government. The dilemma is running a state that historically could run deficits seemingly indefinitely and not have to raise taxes. The second piece of the dilemma is the economic transition away from fossil fuel consumption. (more…)
TransCanada Energy East- as a shareholder it’s a no-brainer-Opinion
Energy, Opinion/Research

TransCanada Energy East- as a shareholder it’s a no-brainer-Opinion

Originally posted 9 October 2017 On Thursday 5 October TransCanada Corporation announced that it was no longer going to spend any more shareholders' money to seek approval to build a pipeline to the Atlantic coast. While much nasty recrimination will unfold for a few more weeks (the bad Liberals for supporting Bombardier which is paid for by our equalization payments, etc, etc), this remains a carefully thought out corporate decision. (more…)
Oil’s Deep State
Economic Data, Politics

Oil’s Deep State

Originally posted 7 October 2017 Kevin Taft's new book Oil's Deep State, sub-titled "How the petroleum industry undermines democracy and stops action on global warming- in Alberta and in Ottawa," was released on 26 September to a large audience at the UofA's TELUS Centre. The book launch was sponsored by the Parkland Institute and Alberta Views newsmagazine. The book is a "must read" for anyone who is interested in Alberta politics and society. (more…)
Is Alberta out of Recession?
Economic Data

Is Alberta out of Recession?

After at least two years of poor economic performance, it is fair to examine recent economic data to ascertain and to judge whether the Alberta recession is over.  (more…)
Provincial agency appointments- report on NDP’s first two years

Provincial agency appointments- report on NDP’s first two years

Originally posted on 23 August 2017 On 4 July Bob Ascah presented preliminary findings of extensive research on over 500 Order-in-Council appointments to provincial agency boards since the NDP formed government in late May 2015. The presentation deck can be found here: Provincial Agency Presentation New appointments by the NDP are contrasted to re-appointments of positions initially filled by the previous government. (more…)
SAIT gender and pay equity

SAIT gender and pay equity

Originally posted 9 August 2017 In this post we examine gender pay equity at the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT).  The government's sunshine legislation allows for more in-depth analysis by job category and salary. Each reporting entity must disclose the total compensation and other compensation for the calendar years by the following June 30th. (more…)
Provincial Agency Salaries

Provincial Agency Salaries

Originally Posted 3 August 2017 Corrections made 9 August 2017 Last October published a listing of the top paid senior Executives in Alberta's provincial Corporation universe. As the tables demonstrated, the pay levels were dominated by individuals working in the financial services and in the energy regulatory setting. Last year, like this year, this group predominates. Since October, the Government of Alberta has made a number of changes to the pay levels of the top officials working in these agencies. (more…)
DBRS weighs in: Two Views Analysis and Opinion
Credit Ratings

DBRS weighs in: Two Views Analysis and Opinion

DBRS View Originally posted 16 July 2017 On 7 July, DBRS confirmed the credit rating at AA(high) with a long-term ratings trend as negative for the Province of Alberta. DBRS Report  This assessment came after analyzing the provincial budget and meeting with government officials. (more…)
Flying under the Radar- Opinion and Analysis

Flying under the Radar- Opinion and Analysis

Alberta Treasury Branches (ATB Financial) released its financial statements on 24 May corresponding with its Annual Public Meeting in Calgary. Uncharacteristically for the media-savvy provincial agency, it did not receive any major media mentions in spite of higher than anticipated net income ($150 million) compared to the projection released in last April's provincial budget of $27 million. Still, there were several aspects in the report that bear further scrutiny. (more…)