Sunday, February 23


Transitioning to the Clean Energy Economy
Economic Data, Opinion/Research

Transitioning to the Clean Energy Economy

Originally posted on 31 October 2017 Several headlines stood out over the past week, which, provide further context to the governing dilemma facing the New Democratic government. The dilemma is running a state that historically could run deficits seemingly indefinitely and not have to raise taxes. The second piece of the dilemma is the economic transition away from fossil fuel consumption. (more…)
Opening Comments – Alberta’s Recent Economic Transition to FMI Seminar- Alberta’s Economic Horizon,  Sutton Place Hotel, Edmonton, Thursday 9 February 2017

Opening Comments – Alberta’s Recent Economic Transition to FMI Seminar- Alberta’s Economic Horizon,  Sutton Place Hotel, Edmonton, Thursday 9 February 2017

My presentation is concerned with the past five to ten years with a focus on 2012 to 2016. We first begin with the current biggest source of investment and income… This ten-year period shows the magnitude of the oil price fall in real terms since the start of the financial crisis –the dark shaded area.  In real terms we are only back to the low point coming out of the financial crisis of 2007-09. [Chart from] I wanted to illustrate the very real consequences of the material decline of oil prices on this and the next slide. The breadth of the recession has also touched Stampede parties hosted which have been scaled back as revenue dropped in the oil and gas sector. An important impact has been the difficult adjustments in t...
Boom and Bust Economy- Opinion/Research
Opinion/Research, Uncategorized

Boom and Bust Economy- Opinion/Research

Originally posted 3 October 2017 On 14 September, I had the privilege to present an economic overview to members of the Municipal Government Board, municipal assessment review boards and the Surface Rights Board. I was given considerable latitude in addressing the current and future economic conditions that assessment appeal boards faced. Ratepayers (commercial, industrial, residential) have the ability to object to annual assessments and significant sums of money can be at stake over disputes about zoning and the use of property, including buildings and machinery. (more…)