Friday, March 28

Economic Data

Hyndman Papers- Wilson, Percy and Norrie
Budget, Economic Data, Fiscal History, Intergovernmental, Politics

Hyndman Papers- Wilson, Percy and Norrie

Oil prices, Interregional Adjustment and the Canadian Economic Union In the summer of 1980, federal-Alberta relations were going through a period of conflict and mutual suspicion. Around the same time as the Mellon memo and the Treasury review of Alberta's contribution to Confederation, three respected economists from the University of Alberta produced a paper for the Treasury on the oil, interregional adjustment, and the Canadian economic union. The 4-page Executive Summary (presented below) examines the question of how might an adjustment to the terms of trade within a federal state (i.e. higher oil prices) ideally be carried out. Key issues examined include: the structure of ownership of natural resources (public versus private); redistribution or recycling of oil wealth in a fed...
Hyndman Papers
Economic Data, Fiscal History, Intergovernmental

Hyndman Papers

Alberta's Contribution to Confederation circa 1980   In August 1980, Alberta intergovernmental relations were heating up as the earlier Mellon memo attested to. The National Energy Program was about two months away from release, a release that would fuel the flames of western separatism. Concerns were festering in Alberta about the cost-benefits of remaining in Confederation. In the Briefing Note below, authored by Treasury officials in the Fiscal Policy and Economic Analysis Division documented the inflows and outflows to and from the federal Treasury over a 16-year period. The Table below summarizes two tables from the paper- the cumulative totals for provinces and a combined B.C., Yukon, and North West Territories and the discounted cumulative totals. The information was derived...
Transitioning to the Clean Energy Economy
Economic Data, Opinion/Research

Transitioning to the Clean Energy Economy

Originally posted on 31 October 2017 Several headlines stood out over the past week, which, provide further context to the governing dilemma facing the New Democratic government. The dilemma is running a state that historically could run deficits seemingly indefinitely and not have to raise taxes. The second piece of the dilemma is the economic transition away from fossil fuel consumption. (more…)
Oil’s Deep State
Economic Data, Politics

Oil’s Deep State

Originally posted 7 October 2017 Kevin Taft's new book Oil's Deep State, sub-titled "How the petroleum industry undermines democracy and stops action on global warming- in Alberta and in Ottawa," was released on 26 September to a large audience at the UofA's TELUS Centre. The book launch was sponsored by the Parkland Institute and Alberta Views newsmagazine. The book is a "must read" for anyone who is interested in Alberta politics and society. (more…)
Is Alberta out of Recession?
Economic Data

Is Alberta out of Recession?

After at least two years of poor economic performance, it is fair to examine recent economic data to ascertain and to judge whether the Alberta recession is over.  (more…)
Economic Outlook 2017
Economic Data

Economic Outlook 2017

At the 2017 Economics Society of Northern Alberta Outlook conference held on 8 December at the Chateau Lacombe, Associate Professor of Political Science, Greg Anderson spoke to the possible impact on Alberta from the election of Donald Trump. (Anderson is a specialist in U.S.-Canadian relations.) His talk "The (Dis)United States of America and POTUS 2016"- placed the election results in the broader context of global events such as the Brexit vote and immigration crisis in Europe. (POTUS stands for President of the United States.) In observing that filmmaker Michael Moore predicted Trump's victory in Michigan (a state that Moore is quite familiar with), Anderson recounted the shock and paralysis of the Clinton camp on election night. Trump was much better at tapping into the grim economi...