Saturday, February 1
Docket 37627  Orphan Well Association, et al. v. Grant Thornton Limited, et al.     (Redwater Resources contd)

Docket 37627 Orphan Well Association, et al. v. Grant Thornton Limited, et al. (Redwater Resources contd)

Originally posted 13 January 2018 Two arms of the Crown in right of Alberta duke it out: ATB Financial to maximize its return on its security interest in Redwater Resources versus the Alberta Energy Regulator to minimize costs of clean-up to Orphan Well Association and ultimately the Alberta Crown. At stake: creditor protection under insolvency proceedings or protection of energy/environmental regulators' right to ensure reclamations carried out. Sealing orders; more intervenors, and appropriateness for a judge to take part in adjudication. (more…)
Economy vs. Environment
Energy, Environment, Financial Institutions

Economy vs. Environment

Originally posted 18 December 2017 Several articles, studies, and announcements over the past weeks suggest that the "international movement" seeking to "manage" the risks of global warming are gaining ascendance. More recently, the World Bank president, Jim Yong Kim,  announced his institution was re-assessing the risks of fossil-fuel developments. Highlights: World Bank move China's Three Gorges floating solar panels Alberta renewable auction Moody's analysis Analysis/Opinion (more…)
The MacKinnon-Mintz Fiscal Prescription

The MacKinnon-Mintz Fiscal Prescription

Originally posted 13 December 2017 In late October, the School of Public Policy at the University of Calgary published a research paper co-authored by Janice MacKinnon and Jack Mintz.  [AB-Budget-New-Trajectory-MacKinnon-Mintz-final]  Janice MacKinnon is a professor of public policy and former NDP Minister of Finance of Saskatchewan.  Mintz is the President's Professor of Public Policy at UofC and former Director of the School of Public Policy. Both writers have formidable reputations as commentators on public policy and also as academics who have worked at the highest bureaucratic and political levels in the formulation of budgetary and taxation policies. (more…)
DBRS downgrades Alberta’s credit
Credit Ratings

DBRS downgrades Alberta’s credit

Originally posted 6 December 2017 On 29 November, DBRS issued a press release  affirming its decision to downgrade the province's rating to AA from AA (high). In its opinion the downgrade was "necessitated" by "large operating deficits and rapid debt accumulation." (more…)

Asian Travels- vignettes

Over twenty-three days, my wife and I travelled to Hong Kong, India, Bhutan, and Bangkok. Below are a few observations married with some pictures and videos of life from these very different locales. While saying, as Canadian travellers "we are enormously fortunate," is trite, our guided tour left us gasping at the appalling poverty, admiring the exquisite craftsmanship, and marvelling at the ubiquity of our fossil fuel culture. (more…)
Transitioning to the Clean Energy Economy
Economic Data, Opinion/Research

Transitioning to the Clean Energy Economy

Originally posted on 31 October 2017 Several headlines stood out over the past week, which, provide further context to the governing dilemma facing the New Democratic government. The dilemma is running a state that historically could run deficits seemingly indefinitely and not have to raise taxes. The second piece of the dilemma is the economic transition away from fossil fuel consumption. (more…)
TransCanada Energy East- as a shareholder it’s a no-brainer-Opinion
Energy, Opinion/Research

TransCanada Energy East- as a shareholder it’s a no-brainer-Opinion

Originally posted 9 October 2017 On Thursday 5 October TransCanada Corporation announced that it was no longer going to spend any more shareholders' money to seek approval to build a pipeline to the Atlantic coast. While much nasty recrimination will unfold for a few more weeks (the bad Liberals for supporting Bombardier which is paid for by our equalization payments, etc, etc), this remains a carefully thought out corporate decision. (more…)
Oil’s Deep State
Economic Data, Politics

Oil’s Deep State

Originally posted 7 October 2017 Kevin Taft's new book Oil's Deep State, sub-titled "How the petroleum industry undermines democracy and stops action on global warming- in Alberta and in Ottawa," was released on 26 September to a large audience at the UofA's TELUS Centre. The book launch was sponsored by the Parkland Institute and Alberta Views newsmagazine. The book is a "must read" for anyone who is interested in Alberta politics and society. (more…)
Is Alberta out of Recession?
Economic Data

Is Alberta out of Recession?

After at least two years of poor economic performance, it is fair to examine recent economic data to ascertain and to judge whether the Alberta recession is over.  (more…)