Sunday, February 23



What to watch for tomorrow….

Originally posted on 21 March 2018 Provincial Finance Minister Joe Ceci brings down his fourth budget. Many, many moving parts Don't expect a lot of new spending or new tax hikes A path to balance by 2023 has been signalled (more…)
CAPP’s Position- Analysis and Opinion
Energy, Opinion/Research, Uncategorized

CAPP’s Position- Analysis and Opinion

Originally posted on 12 February 2018 On Wednesday 7 February, Tim McMillan, president of the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP) spoke to the Edmonton Chamber of Commerce. The CAPP head spoke optimistically about  growing demand for oil and natural gas, based largely on International Energy Agency forecasts. It was a "terrific outlook" with Canada being perceived as a "supplier of choice."  But dangers lie ahead, according to the CAPP head. From: The Globe and Mail, Wednesday 7 February 2018 A grainy audio of his talk (with some audience comments) and question and answer is available here. (more…)
Docket 37627  Orphan Well Association, et al. v. Grant Thornton Limited, et al.     (Redwater Resources contd)

Docket 37627 Orphan Well Association, et al. v. Grant Thornton Limited, et al. (Redwater Resources contd)

Originally posted 13 January 2018 Two arms of the Crown in right of Alberta duke it out: ATB Financial to maximize its return on its security interest in Redwater Resources versus the Alberta Energy Regulator to minimize costs of clean-up to Orphan Well Association and ultimately the Alberta Crown. At stake: creditor protection under insolvency proceedings or protection of energy/environmental regulators' right to ensure reclamations carried out. Sealing orders; more intervenors, and appropriateness for a judge to take part in adjudication. (more…)

Asian Travels- vignettes

Over twenty-three days, my wife and I travelled to Hong Kong, India, Bhutan, and Bangkok. Below are a few observations married with some pictures and videos of life from these very different locales. While saying, as Canadian travellers "we are enormously fortunate," is trite, our guided tour left us gasping at the appalling poverty, admiring the exquisite craftsmanship, and marvelling at the ubiquity of our fossil fuel culture. (more…)
Provincial agency appointments- report on NDP’s first two years

Provincial agency appointments- report on NDP’s first two years

Originally posted on 23 August 2017 On 4 July Bob Ascah presented preliminary findings of extensive research on over 500 Order-in-Council appointments to provincial agency boards since the NDP formed government in late May 2015. The presentation deck can be found here: Provincial Agency Presentation New appointments by the NDP are contrasted to re-appointments of positions initially filled by the previous government. (more…)
SAIT gender and pay equity

SAIT gender and pay equity

Originally posted 9 August 2017 In this post we examine gender pay equity at the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT).  The government's sunshine legislation allows for more in-depth analysis by job category and salary. Each reporting entity must disclose the total compensation and other compensation for the calendar years by the following June 30th. (more…)
Fault(y) (head)Lines Opinion

Fault(y) (head)Lines Opinion

In the course of one day last month, three separate news articles appeared in the Edmonton Journal (2) and The Globe and Mail, that had the capacity to mislead or mis-state certain facts about developments in Alberta's energy sector. The headline "Oil sands firms face stringent emissions caps" was published on 16 June.  Written by Kelly Cryderman and Jeff Lewis, the use of the words "stringent emissions caps" seemed a stretch headline. (more…)
Another Downgrade

Another Downgrade

On 26 May, U.S.-based Standard & Poor's dropped the Province of Alberta's credit rating two notches to A+.  The Report [Standard-and-Poors-2017-0526-Credit-Analysis-Report]  cites continuing budgetary deterioration and growing debt as the causes of the downgrade. (more…)

Economic Outlook 2017

On 8th December 2016, the Economics Society of Northern Alberta hosted their annual 2017 economic Outlook conference. The Association pulled together a list of eminent economists, a political scientist, and keynote speaker the environmentalist Avi Lewis. This post will summarize presentations of some speakers with a subsequent post covering the remaining speakers. The first speaker was Dr. Avery Shenfeld, chief Economist of CIBC who provided a global outlook.  Shenfeld observed that the “new normal” growth rate for western industrial economy is now 2% rather than 3%. In Europe he noted that the Greek crisis is not over and that there uncertainty concerning the restructuring of Italian banks. With respect to Brexit he acknowledged that UK- Europe trade is very significant and felt that the...
Boom and Bust Economy- Opinion/Research
Opinion/Research, Uncategorized

Boom and Bust Economy- Opinion/Research

Originally posted 3 October 2017 On 14 September, I had the privilege to present an economic overview to members of the Municipal Government Board, municipal assessment review boards and the Surface Rights Board. I was given considerable latitude in addressing the current and future economic conditions that assessment appeal boards faced. Ratepayers (commercial, industrial, residential) have the ability to object to annual assessments and significant sums of money can be at stake over disputes about zoning and the use of property, including buildings and machinery. (more…)