Friday, March 28


What does Danielle Smith think?
Budget, Energy, Health, Opinion/Research

What does Danielle Smith think?

Updated and corrected 3 December 2022   See also a related BlogPost for the Parkland Institute What Was She Thinking? A Glimpse Into Danielle Smith’s Mind published 2 December 2022 Perhaps the best glimpse into Premier Smith’s thinking on a whole range of critical public policy issues is contained in a 20-page paper entitled “Alberta’s Key Challenges and Opportunities.”   This paper was part of the School of Public Policy’s pre-publication series called the Alberta Futures Project. This paper was published in June 2021 before oil and gas prices rose substantially changing the province’s fiscal picture. What is surprising is the absence of a discussion of a sovereignty act and confronting federal overreach central to her winning the UCP leadership. In this article, I examine fundamental v...
Federal guidance for best-in-class -Alberta’s carbon pipeline-Pathways “plan”
Energy, Environment, Health, Opinion/Research

Federal guidance for best-in-class -Alberta’s carbon pipeline-Pathways “plan”

Several announcements from Ottawa, Edmonton and Calgary took place last week.  We unpack these announcements for their significance. Guilbeault takes centre stage On Wednesday 12 October 2022 Environment and Climate Change Canada released "draft guidance" on "best- in- class" GHG emissions for oil and gas projects. The National Observer regarded the guidance as a surrender to Big Oil, particularly the oilsands industry. I will examine some of the interesting aspects of draft guidance. Most important is the "draft" adjective used. Clearly Minister Guilbeault does not see the guidance as the final word.  The question for industry and environmentalists will be where the red line will be drawn over future oilsands growth and the emissions cap.  According to Cloe Logan of the National Observer ...
The UCP Front-runners- Policy Analysis
Government Finances, Health, Intergovernmental, Investment, Opinion/Research

The UCP Front-runners- Policy Analysis

In this analysis I compare both the slogans and key phrases of the candidates. Slogans and phrases which are meant to attract members to vote for their preferred candidate and some of the detail of their top policy priorities. I also drill down to examine three policy areas in  more detail. At the time of publication Danielle Smith is the presumed frontrunner with Travis Toews second and Brian Jean third.  High level slogans compared According to Danielle Smith’s “Alberta First” campaign she will: Free Alberta from Ottawa’s control; Protect the rights and freedoms of Albertans; Unleash our economic potential and restore the Alberta Advantage, and Defeat Rachel Notley and the NDP in the next election Travis Toews promises responsible, stable leadership and promises to unite ...
Government Finances, Health, Opinion/Research, Politics

Alberta Nurses- Poised to Strike?

Soon after Finance Minister Travis Toews announced a $17-billion deficit, on 6 July he fired a warning shot at the United Nurses of Alberta. While acknowledging nurses’ contributions to responding to the COVID-19 health crisis (“working diligently throughout”), the News release stressed “the important work of getting the province’s finances back on track.” The terse release reiterated the gist of the MacKinnon Report’s recommendations that for Alberta to rebalance its finances it must cut both the size of the public service as well as bring salaries and benefits in line with other provinces. According to Toews, nurses in Alberta get paid 5.6 per cent more than other comparator provinces (presumably B.C., Quebec and Ontario). This differential costs the Alberta taxpayers an extra $141-mill...
Agencies, Energy, Environment, Health, Politics

The times they are a’changin

Come senators, congressmenPlease heed the callDon't stand in the doorwayDon't block up the hallFor he that gets hurtWill be he who has stalledThe battle outside ragin'Will soon shake your windowsAnd rattle your walls… Bob Dylan On Thursday 18 June a remarkable event took place. The near simultaneous release of an Alberta Energy Regulator (AER)/Canadian Environment Impact Assessment Agency (CEIAA) joint panel rejection of the controversial Grassy Meadows coal project and a news release from Alberta's Environment and Energy ministers "respecting" the Joint Panel’s recommendations. The Thursday announcements followed declarations by federal Environment Minister Jonathan Wilkinson that all coal projects which produced selenium would be subject to federal review due to the environmental impa...
Environment, Health, Opinion/Research

Exploring a regulatory maze

This post, the first of a series of articles dealing with the nature of regulation-making authority in Alberta endeavours to understand the breadth and complexity of regulation in various forms. This post was tweaked by a news release concerning a violation of the Environment Protection Enhancement Act. The series will investigate the complex nature of legislation and delegated regulation-making powers, the nature of enforcement, and the possible implications for society and the economy at large. Suncor pleads guilty On Friday 16 April the Alberta Department of Environment and Parks issued a press release stating Suncor Energy Products Partnership Product s Suncor Energie, S.E.M.E pleaded guilty to breaching legislation “relating to the release of hydrogen sulphide.” The event happened on ...


Health care policy and delivery cost Alberta taxpayers about $20 billion per year or roughly 40 per cent of the province's operating budget. The NDP government has maintained funding in the system but now efforts are underway to identify ways of streamlining the system. A Primary Care Network Review by Alberta Health identified a number of troubles, some of which the Auditor General had noted in earlier reports. Of concern is the high ratio of physicians to health staff that weakens the rationale for multi-member teams. (more…)