Monday, February 24

Government Finances

Agencies, Employment, Energy, Government Finances, Intergovernmental, Opinion/Research

GOA’s investment in Keystone XL looks shaky

Updated 25 January 2021 to reflect Kenney-Trudeau letter It was perhaps a foregone conclusion that Joseph R. Biden Jr. would sign an executive order soon after his inauguration rescinding the permit allowing TC Energy to build the Keystone XL pipeline.  But hope springs eternal in some locales in Alberta. And yet, the heavily signalled order  sat on the newly -minted President's desk. Executive Order on "Protecting Public Health and the Environment and Restoring Science to Tackle the Climate Crisis," a lengthy discourse of executive actions, revoked the March 2019 Permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline. According to the Order  The Keystone XL pipeline disserves the U.S. national interest. The United States and the world face a climate crisis. That crisis must be met with action on a scale an...
Budget, Energy, Fiscal History, Government Finances

Hyndman Papers-Budget, NEP and Production Cutbacks

In this densely worded 4-page memorandum and Appendix from Deputy Provincial Treasurer A.F. "Chip" Collins to Treasurer Lou Hyndman, a financial analysis is undertaken by the staff within Fiscal Policy & Economic Analysis. The initials at the end of the memorandum indicate G. Lynn Duncan an Assistant Deputy Provincial Treasurer and A.G . (Arnie) Heisler, the Comptroller were its principal authors.  This memorandum responds to a number of questions posed to the department in early March. The central question to be answered was "what is the value of the foregone production and is there a financial reward from shutting in production?" This would have been also been a central question for the Notley government back in 2017-18 when the differential was so low certain segments of the oil ind...
Agencies, ATB, Government Finances, Intergovernmental, Politics

2020- Best of, Worst of Times Year in Review

In this look-back at 2020, we summarize our thoughts and opinions on some of the key stories in 2020- news,  analysis and opinion by COVID-19 and a drastic drop in oil prices landed like a hammer on Alberta's economy and political landscape. News 28 February  Provincial Budget was full of optimism- little did we know. I raised the flag of what's Plan B? 31 March  On the final day of the 2019-20 fiscal year, the Alberta cabinet passed Order in Council 104/2020 which authorized the “President of Treasury Board and Minister of Finance to make advances to or purchase securities of the Alberta Petroleum Marketing Commission.” Alberta taxpayers had bought a  stake in the Keystone XL  The Minister of Finance was authorized to borrow up to $2 billion "for th...
ATB, Government Finances, Opinion/Research

ATB Financial silently announces a surprising profit

As has now become the customary, on 19 November ATB quietly released its second quarter financial statement. Postmedia and The Globe and Mail did not report the rather surprising profit turnaround at the publicly-owned financial institution.  The provincial agency's news release entitled "Helping Albertans move forward"  speaks of the assistance ATB has given many  of its borrowers, courtesy of a mandate of the Kenney government. According to the release ATB has "reached out" to  an unspecified "thousands of consumer and business customers who participated in our relief program to draw up personalized plans supporting their financial future." Consistent with government efforts to attract investment and diversify the Alberta economy, the release states: ATB is helping...
Budget, Credit Ratings, Government Finances, Intergovernmental, Opinion/Research

Mid-year Fiscal and Economic Update- Analysis & Opinion

Slight improvement in deficit forecast for 2020-21 Recalibration of 3-year budget plan Balanced budget pushed further into future Fiscal anchors Ottawa's growing indebtedness and other grievances  Job Creation Tax Cut and cutting red tape expected to spur investment and employment Government stays with present course to resize spending Small hint about need to examine revenue structure On Tuesday 24 November, Finance Minister Travis Toews released the 2020-21 Mid-year Fiscal Update and Economic Statement. (Watch the Press Conference here.) There was a slight improvement in the deficit numbers in the First Quarter Fiscal Forecast - then the deficit was estimated to be $24.8 billion- now the Government expects a $21.3 billion deficit. Improvements came mainly on the revenue side with $1.4 b...
Capital Spending, Economic Data, Energy, Environment, Fiscal History, Government Finances, Politics

Presentation to EQUS directors- 23 November

EQUS is a small, co-operative distributor of  electricity to 12,000, mostly rural, customers.  The organization is the product of a series of mergers of rural electrification co-operatives over the past two decades. EQUS employs about 100 staff with its head office in Innisfail. The presentation, provocatively entitled "Alberta's Crumbling Economic and Fiscal Foundation" builds on concerns about the future health of Alberta's economy in a world where international financial capital places more emphasis on renewable energy solutions. The presentation highlights the pivotal role of capital expenditures of the oil and gas sector which have driven the Alberta economy since 1947. Alberta's gross fixed capital formation (oil and gas, institutional, industrial, residential and non-residential bui...
AIMCo CEO Compensation 2008-2020
Agencies, Government Finances

AIMCo CEO Compensation 2008-2020

This article follows  a similar format as the analysis of ATB’s CEO compensation. We begin with some background on the creation of the corporation in 2007 from published and unpublished research. Then follows a series of charts illustrating the evolution of AIMCo CEO pay over the period.  The concluding section investigates the question of pay equity by comparing the AIMCo chief’s compensation against the average compensation of AIMCo employees, peers- the Caisse de Depot et Placement du Quebec (Caisse), the British Columbia Investment Management Corporation (BCMIC), and senior elected and appointed provincial officials. A slide deck is included at the bottom of this article. Background In 2007, the Alberta Investment Management Corporation Act was passed creating a board-governe...
Presentation to Professors Emeritus
Economic Data, Energy, Fiscal History, Government Finances

Presentation to Professors Emeritus

Yesterday I presented to a small but engaged group of retired University of Alberta emeritus professors.  My talk was provocatively entitled "Alberta's Crumbling Economic and Fiscal Foundation." Key points emphasized in the presentation include: Volatility in price of oil over past 6o years and its impact on provincial finances Over past 40 years Non-renewable resource revenue represents a high of nearly 50 per cent of own source revenue (excludes federal transfers) to lows of just under 10 per cent recently. Based on Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers data since 1947, Alberta collected royalties equivalent to about 10 per cent of the total value of production over this 70-year span. In the early 1980s, Albertans were receiving about one-third of the rent from their resource owne...
Government Finances, Opinion/Research, Politics

Harmonized Sales Tax not a Panacea- Opinion

 But neither will ignoring the revenue side cure the deficit problem Franco Terrazzano's Opinion piece in the 9 October Edmonton Journal  is quite right when he observes that a “provincial sales tax won’t erase Alberta’s red ink.” No single mechanism can do that. Alberta’s massive deficit and future deficits will not go away merely by blaming Alberta politicians (past and present) who have spent resource wealth on maintaining a high level of public services and infrastructure. However to suggest that sales tax advocates believe a sales tax will eliminate the deficit by itself is disingenuous. The economic argument for a sales tax is compelling for a number of reasons. First, it is a far more efficient tax than personal or corporate income taxes. A commonly used metric of the economic cost...
Agencies, Budget, Energy, Government Finances, Politics, Uncategorized

After waiting an extra 2 months 2019-20- some major surprises missed in February forecast

Updated 10 November 2020 In an earlier report on the crucial role played by the Alberta Petroleum Marketing Commission (APMC) in government finances, we highlighted the Commission's role in overseeing the North West Redwater Upgrader investment, commenced in the latter years of the Stelmach regime. We raised some doubts, given APMC's record with the North West Redwater Partnership  (NWRP), about its competence in negotiating with TC Energy on the Keystone XL project.  APMC is also the agency tasked with negotiating the Energy East commitment and the controversial oil-by rail contracts. With the two-month delay in the publication of the Government of Alberta's Annual Report and audited consolidated financial statements, the public  finally has been apprised that Alberta's budget shortfal...