Sustainable Jobs- An Interim Plan plus Pathways pitch
“The budget and the economy bill are replete with folly and injustice. It is a tragedy that the moral energies and enthusiasm of many truly self-sacrificing and well wishing people should be so misdirected.”
John Maynard Keynes, Essays in Persuasion, “The Economy Bill, “19 September 1931 at page 145.
On 17 February Natural Resources Canada’s minister Jonathan Wilkinson led the release of an “interim” Sustainable Jobs Plan (ISJP),
The news release begins:
Canada has what it takes to be a clean energy and technology supplier of choice in a net-zero world….to secure and create jobs, to grow our industries, and to lead the world with the resources and technologies it will need for generations to come.
A chicken in every pot is proposed- “highly skilled and dedicated workers, abundant nat...