Saturday, March 29


Budget, Employment, Fiscal History, Intergovernmental

Hyndman papers- women’s equality and capital budgeting

In the first excerpt Peter Lougheed's Social Planning Committee supported Canada's ascension to a United Nations Convention on eliminating discrimination against women. As outlined in the short Committee Committee recommendation the Alberta government committed itself legislative measures designed to implement the concept of equal pay for work of equal value. Equal Pay CABINET COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION CABINET COMMITTEE:                               SOCIAL PLANNING DATE OF CONSIDERATION:                       October 7, 1981   SUBJECT:        UNITED NATIONS CONVENTION ON ELIMINATING OF DISCRIMINATION AGAINST WOMEN                    RECOMMENDATION: This committee RECOMMENDED that the Minister of Labour inform the Federal Government of the support of the Alberta Government respecting...
Employment, Environment, Government Finances, Intergovernmental, Opinion/Research

Alberta’s Economic Recovery Plan appears to be taking off

The past ten-days has seen a flurry of announcements from Premier Kenney, his Jobs, Economy and Innovation minister Doug Schweitzer, Associate Minister of Natural Gas and Electricity- Dale Nally, and Finance Minister Travis Toews. Kenney, in all these announcements, was centre stage and answering inquiries from the media. Hydrogen Roadmap The first announcement on 6 November was the unveiling of a hydrogen strategy. Hydrogen, especially “blue hydrogen,” is now seen as having the potential of an oilsands-like boom. According to Kenney: “With a global market estimated to be worth $2.5 trillion a year by 2050, hydrogen could be Alberta’s next great energy opportunity. Alberta has been a global leader in responsible energy production for decades, and now we’re ready to apply that leadership t...
Employment, Energy, Investment, Opinion/Research

Dow- a victory for Kenney (of sorts)

On Wednesday 6 October a joyful Premier Kenney announced the biggest hit of his economic recovery plan with Midland, Michigan-headquartered Dow Chemicals committing to a huge petrochemical investment beside its existing Fort Saskatchewan facility.  The full text is worthy to  cite as it highlights Kenney's possible rising from "political dead man walking" status. The message and excitement contained within was worthy of a crow's proud call.   “Today Dow announced what could become the largest investment in the Alberta economy in more than a decade. This is a huge win for job creation, economic growth and Alberta’s Economic Recovery Plan. If this project receives regulatory approval and a positive final investment decision, it will lead to a multibillion-dollar investment in our economy a...
Employment, Investment

A coup for Invest Alberta?

Updated 27 July 2021 The Globe and Mail reported on Saturday that labour negotiations at De Havilland had broken down over the issue of preserving union jobs in the Greater Toronto  Area (GTA).  Bombardier, the owner of the storied Dash-8 turbo-prop plane used by many regional carriers,  sold the production facility in June 2019 to Longview Aviation Capital Corp. for $300-million.     The issue The owner announced earlier this year that it was not committed to the GTA (Downsview) facility after the current order book expires. According to Gerry Diaz, the president of the powerful Unifor union, the new owner may move future production to Alberta. A future scenario could pit Ontario Premier Ford squaring off against Alberta Premier Jason Kenney over the questions of 1)  2,200 highly skilled ...
Budget, Employment, Government Finances

Are the UCP good fiscal managers?

Updated 9 February 2021 On Monday, 18 January Service Alberta quietly issued a request for expressions of interest (REOI) to sell the data contained in systems from the Province's Land Titles Office (LTO), Personal Property Registry (PPR) information, and Corporate Registry data (COR). This Request was reported by the CBC on 21 January and Postmedia on 23 January. The Service Alberta ministry is run by Nate Glubish, the UCP member from Strathcona-Sherwood Park.  (Picture source:Wikipedia)   Background There has been little comment on this move by the Alberta government in the ten days or so since the REOI. The intent of the process is to determine the interest by private sector actors in buying an "exclusive 35-year concession" to sell information to registries from the databases of the P...
Agencies, Employment, Energy, Government Finances, Intergovernmental, Opinion/Research

GOA’s investment in Keystone XL looks shaky

Updated 25 January 2021 to reflect Kenney-Trudeau letter It was perhaps a foregone conclusion that Joseph R. Biden Jr. would sign an executive order soon after his inauguration rescinding the permit allowing TC Energy to build the Keystone XL pipeline.  But hope springs eternal in some locales in Alberta. And yet, the heavily signalled order  sat on the newly -minted President's desk. Executive Order on "Protecting Public Health and the Environment and Restoring Science to Tackle the Climate Crisis," a lengthy discourse of executive actions, revoked the March 2019 Permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline. According to the Order  The Keystone XL pipeline disserves the U.S. national interest. The United States and the world face a climate crisis. That crisis must be met with action on a scale an...
Agencies, Employment, Opinion/Research, Politics

UCP declares war on Alberta Teachers

Updated 18 January 2021 With the stroke of a pen on a 23 December 2020 ministerial order, Finance Minister and Treasury Board President Travis Toews imposed an investment management agreement (IMA) on the Alberta Teachers Retirement Fund (ATRF).  In a news release on 12 January 2021, Alberta Teachers’ Association (ATA) President Jason Shilling responded to the existence of the Ministerial Order on the ATRF website. Mr. Schilling of the ATA pointed out that the current outcome- an imposed IMA- was inconsistent with claims made by Finance Minister Toews when defending Bill 22, Reform of Agencies, Boards and Commissions and Government Enterprises Act.  Bill 22 legislated the transfer of assets from ATRF management to the Alberta Investment Management Corporation (AIMCo) to occur by the end o...
Budget, Economic Data, Employment, Energy, Fiscal History

Hyndman papers- preparations for 1981-82 budget

There are a number of interesting things in the following memo to the Priorities Committee of Cabinet taken from the Hyndman papers.  It is March 1981 and there is enormous uncertainty which  the Lougheed government has not been accustomed to. A global recession going on and the National Energy Program has thrown the Lougheed government curves never faced before including higher levels of unemployment. This was a government that had enjoyed the spoils of office for nearly a decade and those spoils are under assault from outside forces over which it has no control. The response of the federal government ("Ottawa government" or "Trudeau government") has chosen to protect the interests of the consuming provinces- the most populous provinces of Ontario (over 100 seats) and Quebec (75 seats).  ...
Knowing a future?
Employment, Energy, Environment

Knowing a future?

  An indirect effect of the “cashing-in” on virgin natural resources by the introduction of the new industrial technique with government support has been an indeterminate relationship between government expenditures and government revenue. Expenditures made on the assumption that revenue will return from various directions has been responsible for the incurable and dangerous optimism which characterizes government effort.  On the whole, public enterprises to which government contributes have introduced an element of uncertainty in the financial position of the government and a degree of unwholesome inelasticity. Harold A.Innis, Problems of Staple Production in Canada. 1933, 64-65-emphasis added On Tuesday, 6 October Premier Kenney, Associate Minister of Natural Gas Dave Nally, and a phalan...
Hyndman Papers- -NEP “Casualty Reports” January 1981
Employment, Energy

Hyndman Papers- -NEP “Casualty Reports” January 1981

The following paper comes out of Treasurer Lou Hyndman's files from January 1981 - about 80 days after the National Energy Program was announced. The document originates from the Canadian Association of Oil  Drilling Contractors (C.A.O.D.C.). The document is a list of rigs idled and jobs lost and projected jobs lost in the oil patch. The language is fairly neutral but the term "casualty list" conveys a great deal of worry within the oil servicing industry. Also the time since the NEP is locked in people's memory as a term like Anno Domine (A.D.). This usage highlights a sense of an oilpatch entering into a totally different world.  Bulletin C.A.O.D.C. Casualty Report NO.2 Issued 1981 January 05  (NEP +69) Since the publication of the National Energy Program on 1980 October  28 (NEP Day)  t...