Monday, February 24


Banks, Financial Institutions, Government Finances, Opinion/Research

“A Distrust of Everything”- Opinion

In 1982, I interviewed Nigel Gunn, who at that time was the Honorary Chairman of Bell Gouinlock, a well- respected boutique investment dealer specializing in municipal debt. My dissertation (Politics and Public Debt) is about federal public debt management from the 1920s to the 1950s. The one critical point Gunn made in the interview that I will never forget was his statement that when the United Kingdom Treasury abandoned gold in September 1931, "this lead to a distrust of everything." A similar phrase was heard during the 2007-2009 financial crisis, but with Ben Bernanke to the rescue- a student of history- the finger was put in the dike. Here we are again at another financial reckoning. At the present time, our Bank of Canada is following a conventional, yet extraordinary pat...
Federal Energy Program Finally Announced- Analysis/Opinion
Bankruptcies, Banks, Energy, Energy, Environment, Opinion/Research, Politics

Federal Energy Program Finally Announced- Analysis/Opinion

Belated Announcement On Friday, 17 April, the anxiously awaited federal program to support the oil and gas industry was announced by Natural Resources Minister Seamus O’Regan (pictured). Details were minimal despite weeks of waiting. As anticipated, much of the money was directed at orphan well clean up in Alberta, Saskatchewan and British Columbia. The amount- $1.75 billion was substantial and included $75 million for the offshore sector. In addition, $750 million was allocated to “create a new Emissions Reduction Fund to support workers and reduce emissions in Canada's oil and gas sector, with a focus on methane.” The announcement noted that the measure will maintain about 5,200 jobs in Alberta alone. In addition, loans would be provided through the Business Development Bank to qualifyin...