Smith, LaGrange, Alberta public service face grave test
Updated 18 February 2025
On 5 February 2025, Carrie Tait of the Globe and Mail broke the story of the dismissal of Athana Mentzelopoulos who was the President and Chief Executive Officer of Alberta Health Services (AHS). Since that date Ms. Mentzelapoulous has entered a statement of claim at the Court of King's Bench seeking:
a. Judgment for pay in lieu of notice in the amount of $583,443.00, less applicable income tax;
b. Judgment for bad faith, aggravated, and/or punitive damages, in the amount of $1,116,557.00;
c. In the alternative, judgment for damages for breach of contract in the sum currently estimated at $1,700,000.00, less applicable income tax, being the balance of the compensation owed under the Employment Agreement, or such further and other amount as this Honourable Cou...