Tuesday, March 25

Public Interest Alberta- Conference: Community in Perilous Times: 27-28 March 2025

When: Thursday, 27 March 7:30-7:30 p.m.
            Friday 28 March 8:00-7:30 p.m.
Where: Barnett House  11010 142 St NW, Edmonton, AB T5N 2R1, Canada


Building community power is the only way we are going to build the Alberta we all want and deserve.

These days we can all feel it. We live in perilous times and there are no silver bullet solutions in the fight back. From rampant attacks on healthcare, education, and social services to relentless cuts and privatization, things are getting harder and harder for everyday Albertans. Our right wing populist government targets the very institutions and services that make our province work and blames vulnerable communities for the mess they’ve created.

It’s an effective strategy that needs a better response from all of us. And it starts at the community level. In our workplaces, in our community leagues, and in our schools. Our power rests in our relationships and our ability to organize together.

And there are shining examples of hope here at home and across the country. Ausma Malik, the deputy Mayor of Toronto, proving that radical populism can work, even in Doug Ford’s Ontario. Underpaid education workers in Edmonton bravely standing up for public education. Healthcare leaders fighting back against the chaos and privatization of medicare. Musicians using music as a technology for solidarity.

Pathways to organizing beyond division and polarization. Mobilizing in your own community. How to tell a good story and move people to action. Staying healthy in mind, body, and spirit in these perilous times. Check our workshop, speaker and facilitator page for the growing program of people just like us who are building community and a better Alberta!

That’s why we are putting together a conference that will focus on continuing to build the response we need to protect the public good in these perilous times. With training, workshops, inspiring keynotes, music, and panels on the most pressing issues of this moment, we will build a movement to take Alberta back from those who simply want to destroy the good and extract the profit.

While it may seem daunting to fight back against corporate power and the UCP’s rightwing populism, we have an opportunity to harness community power for something better.

We will have fun, we will learn, we will forge new relationships and deepen existing solidarities.

For the two day conference, tickets are $150 for members and $175 for non-members. If cost is a barrier, please reach out to us directly at office@PIAlberta.org and we will make sure you are welcomed and accommodated.

Excited? So are we. Get your tickets today and join so many other Albertans building community for the public interest.

PIA conference website to register

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