Saturday, March 29

Post-mortem on the Provincial Budget

Updated 14 March 2022

On Thursday, and three sponsoring organizations hosted an expert panel of the 28 February provincial budget. The expert panel consisted of Ken Kobly, CEO of the Alberta Chambers of Commerce,

Professor Lindsay Tedds of the University of Calgary’s School of Public Policy,




Jonathan Teghtmeyer,

Executive Staff Officer, Government, Alberta Teachers’ Association, and

Professor Jared Wesley of the Department of Political Science at the University of Alberta.





The presentations led to a spirited discussion on such subjects as: the province’s new swagger; the “care economy, missing in action;” misalignment between rural municipalities and provincial policy initiatives; and the symbolism of Larry the pipefitter who played a cameo role in the 2022 budget.  


Below is the link to the Economics Society of Northern Alberta which made possible the recording of the event. 


See also my 10 March article in The Conversation

Alberta budget means Albertans are trapped on a relentless fiscal rollercoaster ride

Here is a link to CHQR radio interview on Alberta’s fiscal rollercoaster. 

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